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True art is far from commerce!
Make for yourself and divide with everyone..


Underground music collection from Irpen, Ukraine
«Track-list Made-In-Dyrpen» © 2008

Young Kitten & old Dog

Rain © 2004

WE © 2002

He & She © 1999


H-X3C © 2008

Demo-mix of music album [mp3] [8'46"] [256 kbps, stereo] [16Mb]

V © 2003

Experiment © 1999

Phylosofical tracktat © 1998

Don't © 1998

Out of the edge © 1998

Vice Versa

Listen only with a headphones © 1999

Ganser syndrome

Ganser syndrome © 1999

Mule, adopted son of donkey

© 1999-2002 - 5 singles within the album "V" by 2B

[want more?!]
© 1999-2010 "Young Kitten & old Dog". Design - 2B.
Noncommercial usage of music is allowed with link to www.g-2b.com.