"She?" is my first completely author's fiction film. Besides it's my first widescreen film (16:9). And so short result too… Work at film proceeded about two years! From the moment of a spelling of the literary story of film "She? " (March 6, 2003) in minds of Young Kitten and old Dog (my sister in art and me) are formed and ripen ideas of an embodiment of a story in life, i.e. in film. The script was changed by me, dialogues became more real, composer worked at music to film. The potential energy passes into cinematic in spring of 2005. The process of filming begins. 22 of June at one o'clock the film was born (ending of installation, record and clearing of the sound, imposing of special effects, credits and etc). The premiere of the film was held during opening third "Irpen Film Festival" (Irpen, Ukraine). It was hard work. But we don't pity. You see the result has satisfied all film crew and spectators!
Victory on the Seventh national festival of amateur films «FISH EYE» (Irkutsk, Russia), September 24, 2005.
Nomination on festival «Cine Fantom Fest 2005» (Moscow, Russia), November 21-27, 2005.
Selected on festival «8th International Panorama of Independent Film and Video» (Athens, Greece), September 23-30, 2006.
"Bronze Lada" on the 4th film festival "Meetings on Vyatka" (Kirov, Russia), March 11-13, 2007.
Victory on the film festival "Molodoe Veche" (Velikiy Novgorod, Russia), June 29, 2007.